Saturday 30 April 2011

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Again with answering such a question you first need to establish what type/genre of film you film is. I have already gone for it being an "art house" type film, so now that we have established the type I move on to whom my audience would be.

I can quite easily say it is not for the mainstream audience, but more directed at the smaller group of movie lovers, they go by many names but I am aiming to please some potential Mainstream plus, but more directed at the Aficionados and the Buffs, these are the "specialized" movie lovers. For example the Aficionados do like to associate themselves with specialized films however they tend to watch some main stream titles,unlike the buffs, they usually reject the mainstream cinema as a first choice and always seek out specialized films, often film clubs and societies, so if anything I am aiming to please the Film buffs. And for age and gender, I could see it be quite varied for both, more so age, I couldn't see under 18's watching this movie, but as this film could appeal to so many no matter age or gender, I could see it being most over 20's watching it.

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