Saturday 30 April 2011

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Well in a way my media product represents a particular social group but in others it doesn't, like its not really a social group that I am trying to represent, more a group of people that share the same misfortune in their life, for example losing people, the ones you loved, getting that feeling off emptiness and just not knowing what to do with your self. Those are the people I am trying to relate to and represent, after all it happens to so many people it should be represented, and most people just need to know there not alone, and maybe this movie can highlight that to other people.
For example some movies have represented the character who has lost pretty much everything, or only holding on to one thing or person.

E.g Law Abiding citizen, it is a powerful movie that represents losing all the family you loved, and fighting to avenge there deaths. As you can tell from this powerful image there are strong emotions through out.

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