Sunday 1 May 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Well my Media piece the number three is a two minute opening of a movie, i have tried to use the conventions of real media products as a template, but then advance on that in my own unique way, for example I have aimed to put more emphasis on images and unanswered questions instead of just force-feeding the information, for example one of the first questions probably asked, who is he? how did he get them scars, why is he wearing a suit, why is he at a cemetery, and who is he visiting, what  or who does the three feathers represent, nearly all of these unanswered in the first two minutes, hopefully to intrigue the audience so they carry on watching. So in a way it does conform with real media products due to its music in the opening credits all stuff like that, but then i developed that into my own unique way so I don't just force-feed the information like some movies do, and yes it may not be so "mainstream" but it is the way I have chosen and its the method of filming I prefer.

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