Tuesday 3 May 2011

Audience Feedback

To start I will show some general feedback I have given myself about my media production.

From watching my product over and over again, I can see some negatives and positives.

  • I may of left too many questions unanswered during the first two minutes of my piece.
  • There was also problems with the music, I wanted the song to build up but also have the faster beat during the walk, however in movie make I was limited, and could only choose the start and beginning, leaving me with the choice of sacrificing the build up for the majority of the movie, so after long thinking I decided that the majority of the piece was more important than the build up of the song.
  • Putting the song name and artist in the opening was also a risk, because it makes it seem like either a music video or credits, but I promised to the artists that I would include that, and I stuck to my word, however it could of been a mistake in the long run and is was a rather risky choice.
  • I think the mise en scene blended well with the overall feel of the movie, the music and visuals produced that "sad" feeling I was going for.
  • The shots were all relatively steady and never had anything that shouldn't be in it.
  • Used a variety of shots, such as POV, over the shoulder etc.

As Media Studies Production Portfolio Audience Feedback

  • "maybe could have introduced more camera angles"
  • "Leave out song + Artist"
  • "looked like a music video"
Some other critism was not really constructive so I have left it out, however it is nice to see some criticism so I can learn from my mistakes and ultimately improve on them.

  • "Good song choice"
  • "Blatant Mise en scene"
  • "Song works well with visuals"
  • "Use of colors good, I liked the change from B/W to colour"
Obviously I am happy to see some positives in there, there were some more, but most just repeated in different forms, this is also very helpful for the learning approach, I can see what people like and dislike, but as my product was not mainstream, I was expecting some criticism as it does not appeal to everyone, one person even said "I do not get the story" considering it was the first two minutes I never planned for them to understand the whole storyline, infact I aimed to leave them guessing, and let there imagination blossom,  but I guess you can't please everyone.


    1. Live streaming is the latest fad on social media so make sure to get live with your audience from time to time.
      Live streaming would give you a more intimate space with your viewers and encourage them to interact with you more often. It would allow more personal interaction with your audience in real time.
      You can also share your live videos later, so that those who have missed out the live streaming can view them again. A tour of your business, a demonstration of your products or an interview with the creators are some of the possible content which can be created with a live video.
      Make sure to make the most out of the apps which allows you to go live directly from the blog.

    2. Live streaming is the latest fad on social media so make sure to get live with your audience from time to time.
      Live streaming would give you a more intimate space with your viewers and encourage them to interact with you more often. It would allow more personal interaction with your audience in real time.
      You can also share your live videos later, so that those who have missed out the live streaming can view them again. A tour of your business, a demonstration of your products or an interview with the creators are some of the possible content which can be created with a live video.
      Make sure to make the most out of the apps which allows you to go live directly from the blog.

    3. Live streaming is the latest fad on social media so make sure to get live with your audience from time to time.
      Live streaming would give you a more intimate space with your viewers and encourage them to interact with you more often. It would allow more personal interaction with your audience in real time.
      You can also share your live videos later, so that those who have missed out the live streaming can view them again. A tour of your business, a demonstration of your products or an interview with the creators are some of the possible content which can be created with a live video.
      Make sure to make the most out of the apps which allows you to go live directly from the blog.

    4. Live streaming is the latest fad on social media so make sure to get live with your audience from time to time.
      Live streaming would give you a more intimate space with your viewers and encourage them to interact with you more often. It would allow more personal interaction with your audience in real time.
      You can also share your live videos later, so that those who have missed out the live streaming can view them again. A tour of your business, a demonstration of your products or an interview with the creators are some of the possible content which can be created with a live video.
      Make sure to make the most out of the apps which allows you to go live directly from the blog.

    5. Live streaming is the latest fad on social media so make sure to get live with your audience from time to time.
      Live streaming would give you a more intimate space with your viewers and encourage them to interact with you more often. It would allow more personal interaction with your audience in real time.
      You can also share your live videos later, so that those who have missed out the live streaming can view them again. A tour of your business, a demonstration of your products or an interview with the creators are some of the possible content which can be created with a live video.
      Make sure to make the most out of the apps which allows you to go live directly from the blog.

    6. Live streaming is the latest fad on social media so make sure to get live with your audience from time to time.
      Live streaming would give you a more intimate space with your viewers and encourage them to interact with you more often. It would allow more personal interaction with your audience in real time.
      You can also share your live videos later, so that those who have missed out the live streaming can view them again. A tour of your business, a demonstration of your products or an interview with the creators are some of the possible content which can be created with a live video.
      Make sure to make the most out of the apps which allows you to go live directly from the blog.

    7. Live streaming is the latest fad on social media so make sure to get live with your audience from time to time.
      Live streaming would give you a more intimate space with your viewers and encourage them to interact with you more often. It would allow more personal interaction with your audience in real time.
      You can also share your live videos later, so that those who have missed out the live streaming can view them again. A tour of your business, a demonstration of your products or an interview with the creators are some of the possible content which can be created with a live video.
      Make sure to make the most out of the apps which allows you to go live directly from the blog.

    8. Live streaming is the latest fad on social media so make sure to get live with your audience from time to time.
      Live streaming would give you a more intimate space with your viewers and encourage them to interact with you more often. It would allow more personal interaction with your audience in real time.
      You can also share your live videos later, so that those who have missed out the live streaming can view them again. A tour of your business, a demonstration of your products or an interview with the creators are some of the possible content which can be created with a live video.
      Make sure to make the most out of the apps which allows you to go live directly from the blog.
