Monday 21 March 2011

Location ideas for "family"

My house: Not just because it is convenient, more because its the ideal house, a family home where three children have grown up, and nieces visiting at least once a week. And for my opening I want an average every day family home so the viewer does not suspect anything until they get a closer look. It also provides a good road for the opening shot I wanted and a great spot for the shot when he finds out his family gone.

Norwich Road: This is a suitable location for the opening shot of the movie, mainly because it is wide and looks like a average every day road.

Wymondham cemetery: This is a good location for the shot of him visiting his "family". reasons behind the choice; It is a nice quiet location with beautiful scenery also providing all the necessary shots of walking down the path. The trees provide good and time saving editing, and I have been to that cemetery quite a lot so I am used to the setting and feel comfortable filming there.

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