Thursday 10 February 2011

Synopsis of first idea

In short: A group of best friends, hit by a tragedy, decide to take the trip of a life time they all once dreamed off.

Steven's film Characters: Billy Nelson, Tom Henderson, Chris Togart, Doug Spencer

The opening scene: (Camera slowly blurs in) focuses to appear four children, running through a open park.(For about 3 seconds), then to a POV shot of Billy being ahead looking back, the camera then zooms out to appear a play area, the children running to see who can get there first. A wide shot of them running, a few quick shots of the surrounding including the sky, trees, and the open shot of the other side of the park. Then blurs out to see another shot, slightly more quick paced, of the children running through the trees and the rec, different shots through gaps in the trees to show them running. Tom shouting "Why am i so good at man hunt?", Chris shouts " Why am i so fast?",  Billy replies "Comon Doug im hardly running", Doug replies "Give me a chance, i have asthma" (Stops and uses his inhaler) All of these will be different shots, but all in front of character running through the woods, to get the face expressions of all the characters. ( idea one for last shot)Then for the last time another blured out shot, to blur back in to a wide shot of a back garden with a slowlly zoom in focus of the four children round a big tree. Different shots to show them attempting to build what seems to be a tree house of some kind. (Idea Two for last shot) A blured in wide shot of a bike track/skate park, all the boys love to bike, but doug is not so keen and see's it as life endangering, Tom, Chris and Billy all go round fine, but when it gets to Doug, he is very hesitant, they manage to pusuade him to do it, but at the curved bank he goes straight over instead of round, the shot ends at Billy, Chris and tom round Doug laughing. The shot slowly blurs out, to reveal a wide shot of a cemetary, quick shots of surrounding areas of the cemetary, then it stops on the shot of people gathered round for a ceremony. The shot will focus on the three main characters from before, Tom, Chris and Doug. There will be shots showing there facial expressions with a vicars voice over the top "Billy Nelson was not just a good person, he was a good friend, a good husband and a good father, he will never be forgotten, and will always be in our hearts forever" The last shot will be zooming out slowly from the funeral up wards then it will blur out.

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