Thursday 17 February 2011

Synopsis for Idea number 2 (Family)

A middle aged man, around 30-35, he seems like an ordinary middle aged man. Walks in what appears to be a family home, and when he enters you get shots of all the different rooms it seems like the average every day family home. Many family photos hanging on walls and scattered around the room, refrigerator magnets, children's toys and teddy bears. You get a quick glimpse of  toys in the corner of what appears to be the living room, suggesting there are children present in this home. But there is only one problem with this"ordinary" house, it is covered in dust and spider webs, something you would not expect to see in a ordinary family home, well you would expect to see a little, but defiantly not this much. Then a shot to the man standing in the hall way, motionless, with a bag around his shoulder that slowly falls down his arm and on to the floor making a loud thud. Made louder than usual as the house is so quiet, a POV shot to show what he is looking at reveals what seems to be the only picture that has been taken care off, it consists of five people, looks to be like his family or people that are close to him. A zoomed in shot of his eye that slowly zooms out, to reveal a tear secreting from his eye, the camera follows this tear all the way down the bottom of this face till it drops off and hits the floor. Then a flash back, the man but when he was younger, around 16-18. Walking down the road back to his house, looking down with every step, with hardly any confidence, the camera then looks up suddenly to see what appears to be sirens flashing, blue and white lights, with the well known police sirens mixed with the ambulance sirens echoing into the streets. Quick shots of what appears to be body bags, and police tape, officers in uniform. Quick shots of the boy running to his house, POV shot showing the desperation in his face as he frantically runs to see what is happening. As he finally reaches the drive, he's met with a police officer, he seems to be rather shocked, the boy explains how it is his house, the policeman's face drops, "Im sorry to tell you.. that your family are gone, we found them in the kitchen, I am so sorry" The boy drops to his knees, curls his back and looks blankly at the floor, crying slowly as the realisation that his family are gone becomes apparent.

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