Tuesday 11 January 2011

Time warners take over of British publisher IPC media has given the N.M.E brand a new lease of life.

Time warners take over of British publisher IPC media has given the N.M.E brand a new lease of life.

The influence, guidance and experience of Time Warner have been used to assist IPC after the recent take over. One of the brands that have prospered from this take over is NME; it has prospered in many ways, finically, status and new technologies to expand out. Status as it is now over in America and N.M.E.com is huge toping to the third most popular music news site in America, and it’s only been in America for 10 years. It has even adapted its site to the culture of music and traditional West and East coast music, this is to suite the American audience as they still feel very strong on the whole west/east coast competitiveness that has been present for quite some time. Back in Britain N.M.E is even bigger; there radio station has now doubled in audience shares. There is now 1.3 million listening hours overall, they even have a sky channel for this radio station. And they N.M.E were the first magazine to have an app for the iphone. This showing how they have benefited with new technologies time Warner have introduced to them. And also more benefits of how they have been introduced abroad and been very successful reaching Americas number 3 website for music news.
The take over has also given N.M.E a lot of publicity and talked about even more than it already is, Time Warner post many articles about N.M.E, for example it posted the  announcement of the new website design for NME and the fact that there is a new publisher running the operation called Krissi Murison. Krissi has announced that she wants a new feel to the website with improvements like a new front section, a complete overhaul of Radar (NME vital new music section) and an incredible celebration of its history page. All of this advertised in Britain and America thanks to the take over by Time Warner.
There is an obvious finical benefit from all of this, more advertisement abroad, more income from the top number 3 website in America for music news. And because it is now part of such a huge oligopoly the money it can borrow or use is nearly limitless. As long as it carries on making profits and being such a hit, Time Warner will invest heavily in it. This whole synergy provides all these benefits for IPC’s NME. If it was without all its links it would not necessarily struggle, but it would not be as big as it is now without the help of Time Warners experience, advance in technology and huge income to help what it has become.

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