Saturday 22 January 2011

Disney Research

The Walt Disney Company (NYSEDIS) (commonly referred to as Disney) is the largest media and entertainment conglomerate in the world in terms of revenue.[5] Founded on October 16, 1923, by brothers Walt Disney and Roy Disney as the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio, the company was reincorporated as Walt Disney Productions, Ltd. in 1929, and became publicity-traded as Walt Disney Productions in 1938. Walt Disney Productions established itself as a leader in the American animation industry before diversifying into live-action film production, television, and travel. Taking on its current name in 1986, The Walt Disney Company expanded its existing operations and also started divisions focused upon theatre, radio, publishing, and online media. In addition, it has created new divisions of the company in order to market more mature content than it typically associates with its flagship family-oriented brands.

Annual gross revenues of The Walt Disney Company (in millions USD)
YearWalt Disney Studio Entertainment[Rev 1]Disney Consumer Products[Rev 2]Walt Disney
Parks and Resorts
Disney Media Networks[Rev 3]Walt Disney Internet Group / Disney Interactive Media Group[Rev 4][Rev 5]Total
1996[22][24]10,095[Rev 2]4,5024,142[Rev 6]18,739

Full acquisitions

Thursday 20 January 2011

My Idea

Plot: Basically my plot is a group of close friends having a good time when they were younger, living over half of their childhood together.(old style video effects, grainy, maybe black and white, to show how old the footage is) They are a inseparable group of friends who only do things together and have crazy dreams about traveling the world together. But after they end school they are split up into different parts of the country doing different jobs and living completely different lives. But they are brought back together by a funeral of one of their friends, and after this they soon realise that the friend that passed away, tired to organize that trip 3 years ago but they were all busy for different reasons, so they all decide in his memory to take this trip.

Actors: A group of boys, age ranging from 5-10, depending on how many of the same or relatively near to the age i can get.
Four similar looking actors, aged 20-30.
Maybe four Pregnant ladies to show that they were friends before.
Possibly one over 60, to show the last remaining friend.

Music idea for the opening
Oh lala- The Faces
Biffy Clyro- Many of Horror
The Beatles- With a little help from my friends
Marvin Gaye- Aint no mountain high enough

Locations: Wymondham Abbey/ cemetery, Local parks such as Rothbury, Queens Head, The Rec etc, Morley hall.

Open Cupboard Productions

Opening of short film

A young man is jogging through a sunny, tree-filled park, families are walking dogs and an ice cream van serves customers in what seems to be a normal fashion. A stereotypical park scene.. until 15:01, 15:01 is when it all changed.. (slowlly zooming out, then fast cut away to the top hand right in the sky) an object is rapidly falling from the atmosphere, people start to notice and panic breaks out, parents running to the play area,

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Target auidence and Target actors

Target Auidence
-Both Genders
-Fans of comedy and good feel movies

Target Actors
Young Boys or Girls aged 10-14 to start off with, but then i will need older around 20-30 aged people to act as them when they are grown up at the funeral.
I want 3 or 4 people, one ginger, Ginger and preferably skinny. The rest, one bigger, "leader of the group" the rest brown or blond hair.

Initial Ideas for two minute opening of movie..

So when i first started to tackle this, i started to watch all the movie intro's i had in the house, and so far one's that seem possible considering lack of funding location and limited resources, i am strongly considering doing a feel good comedy. But i want to introduce it differently than normal comedies, im thinking having 3/4/5 boys or girls in there young age, around 10-14 (not totally sure yet) and have them playing around in different locations, such as a park, back gardening making a tree house, playing games all these sorts of things. Basically to show how a good and strong friendship these characters have, i may also narrate over the top introducing the key characters. For a song i would like some gentle guitar playing, kind of folk music, maybe Ooh La La- The Faces, but maybe adapted in different ways, so a longer intro on the guitar. Then to have a wide shot of a cemetery, and slowly move round to a group huddled round a grave, it slowly zooms in, then shoots straight to a picture of one of the children when he/she was younger, but also all loads of other pictures of him/her and the stuff he/she had done/ achieved since the earlier video. And then i want it to cut out slowly zooming away.

Second idea: A middle aged man, around 30-35, he seems like an ordinary middle aged man. Walks in what appears to be a family home, and even when he enters and you get shots of all the different rooms it seems like the average every day family home. Many family photos hanging on walls and scattered around the room, even refrigerator magnets. You get a quick glimpse of  toys in the corner of what appears to be the living room, suggesting there are children present in this home. But there is only one problem with this"ordinary" house, it is covered in dust and spider webs, something you would not expect to see in a ordinary family home, well you would expect to see a little, but defiantly not this much. Then a shot to the man standing in the hall way, motionless, with a bag around his shoulder that slowly falls down his arm and on to the floor making a loud thud. Made louder than usual as the house is so quiet, a POV shot to show what he is looking at reveals an old dusty picture of five people, looks to be like his family or people that are close to him. A zoomed in shot of his eye that slowly zooms out, to reveal a tear secreting from his eye, the camera follows this tear all the way down the bottom of this face till it drops off and hits the floor. Then a flash back, the man but when he was younger, around 18/19. Walking down the road back to his house, looking down with every step, not with much confidence, the camera then looks up suddenly to see what appears to be police outside his house, about 4 police cars and an ambulance. He then runs to the police line surrounding his house, the police stops him but he frantically explains he lives there, then a quick shot to his front door, with five body bags.. the boy then drops to the floor on his knees,and puts his face in his hands. End with a still shot of the man back in the hallway. 

Thursday 13 January 2011

Media Ideas and Inspiration

Inspired not to do a typical 16-18 year old media studies film including over use of drugs, swearing, teens and violence. We will take this into consideration when making our own openings, and learn from others mistakes. Just to make it original but different, it seems the most popular genre is crime/thriller and horror. So i will try to use more suitable genres such as drama/ comedy/ romantic comedy etc.

I have just watched many intros done by other students and put on youtube, i have also watched most of the intros of the movies i have on DVD, and currently i really like the idea of Without a paddle's intro.
The way it show's four children in the past having fun and building a tree house, just a good feel intro, and that is what i want to achieve in my work.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Time warners take over of British publisher IPC media has given the N.M.E brand a new lease of life.

Time warners take over of British publisher IPC media has given the N.M.E brand a new lease of life.

The influence, guidance and experience of Time Warner have been used to assist IPC after the recent take over. One of the brands that have prospered from this take over is NME; it has prospered in many ways, finically, status and new technologies to expand out. Status as it is now over in America and is huge toping to the third most popular music news site in America, and it’s only been in America for 10 years. It has even adapted its site to the culture of music and traditional West and East coast music, this is to suite the American audience as they still feel very strong on the whole west/east coast competitiveness that has been present for quite some time. Back in Britain N.M.E is even bigger; there radio station has now doubled in audience shares. There is now 1.3 million listening hours overall, they even have a sky channel for this radio station. And they N.M.E were the first magazine to have an app for the iphone. This showing how they have benefited with new technologies time Warner have introduced to them. And also more benefits of how they have been introduced abroad and been very successful reaching Americas number 3 website for music news.
The take over has also given N.M.E a lot of publicity and talked about even more than it already is, Time Warner post many articles about N.M.E, for example it posted the  announcement of the new website design for NME and the fact that there is a new publisher running the operation called Krissi Murison. Krissi has announced that she wants a new feel to the website with improvements like a new front section, a complete overhaul of Radar (NME vital new music section) and an incredible celebration of its history page. All of this advertised in Britain and America thanks to the take over by Time Warner.
There is an obvious finical benefit from all of this, more advertisement abroad, more income from the top number 3 website in America for music news. And because it is now part of such a huge oligopoly the money it can borrow or use is nearly limitless. As long as it carries on making profits and being such a hit, Time Warner will invest heavily in it. This whole synergy provides all these benefits for IPC’s NME. If it was without all its links it would not necessarily struggle, but it would not be as big as it is now without the help of Time Warners experience, advance in technology and huge income to help what it has become.

Monday 10 January 2011


Following sylvester opening a door and closing it, then he takes a seat opposite Frederick.
F: 'your late'
S: 'Sorry'
F: 'well did you bring it?'
(Pause for dramatic effect, slowly whips out a board game)
S: 'Do i ever let you down?'

Thursday 6 January 2011

Idea for a two minute opening of a film

So far just watching many film openings to get inspiration, films such as
1. Stranger than fiction?
2. Without a Paddle?
3. Ferris Bueller's day off?
4. Stand by me?
5. Forrest Gump?
6. Up?

I like the idea of narrating over the top of the shots, good way of setting the movie and introducing characters and a hint in the main story.