Tuesday 14 December 2010

Time warner Research

Time warner,
1. what is its mission statement?
2. what does it offer?
3. what media companies do they own?

NME.com Research

NME history
The paper's first issue was published on 7 March 1952 after the Musical Express and Accordion Weekly Maurice Kinn, and relaunched as the New Musical Express. It was initially published in a non-glossy tabloid format on standard newsprint. On 14 November 1952, taking its cue from the U.S. magazine Billboard, it created the first UK singles chart.The first of these was, in contrast to more recent charts, a top twelve sourced by the magazine itself from sales in regional stores around the UK. The first number one was "Here in my Heart" by Al Martino. was bought by London music promoter.

What does the NME website offer its audience?
The NME webiste has many subheadings under the main title offering:
News- this category brings all the latest music and movie news, alongside with daily gossip. I was discouraged at firs upon scanning the 'movie' section, I did not realise the company concerned themselves with film.
Video- this section features original NME videos, new music videos, interviews, music session, news and bands playing live, all in film format.
Tickets- this category links to a website offering tickets to gigs, this must be a partnership site to the NME.
New Music- perhaps the most original idea of the NME shines through is this section, offering listen-able tracks on site to the newest and upcoming bands.
Reviews- the latest album and single reviews.
Photos- collections of stills from gigs and portraits of music legends.
Comment- this section incorporates blogs and forums from many of the NME writers.
Movies- the latest movie news, trailers, DVD releases, interviews and film reviews.
Artists- A page for each artist with links to videos, photos, pictures, biography, YouTube videos, audio, lyrics, related news, reviews, gigs and tour dates.
Awards- news, pictures, videos and tickets from the Shockwaves NME Awards 2011
Metal- a seperate section for the genre of metal and rock music.
Shop- place to buy band and NME merchandise.
Lyrics- link to metrolyrics, a partnership.

How does the NME website address its audience?
As a first impression of the website, it comes across as informal and cluttered. Its like the rock loving party going teen's ideal website, cluttered just like there rooms... maybe they done it so some may relate or purely just because they like it. The colour's done really seem to match and the fonts are just random in size and colour. Quite a lot of adverts randomly splashed around the website. But on the plus it is fairly easy to pick up where all the information is.

Monday 8 November 2010

Year 12 work

1. Why did IPC Media have cause to be optimistic about their business prospects in 2006?
They had cause to be optimistic because there sales were higher than Tv and newspapers, there magazine business was new and very exciting to the general population. 
they received more than 35% of the entire revenue of magazines in britain

For example "The Field" - IPC Media's oldest magazine - and the UK's leading rural insurance broker Lycetts, have named Samantha Cobb as the UK's first Young Champion of the Countryside.

IPC Media produces over 85 iconic media brands, with our print brands alone reaching almost two thirds of UK women and 44% of UK men –almost 27 million UK adults – while our online brands collectively reach 20 million users every month. 

2. According to the article in THE GUARDIAN (Jan 2009) why are the major players in the British magazine industry better placed to weather the economic crisis?

Maintaining or increasing revenue from ads will be the biggest challenge for magazines from all sectors this year.

Large publishers such as IPC Media, Condé Nast and Future Publishing, which have invested in extending their brands into TV, web, mobile, radio or shopping, are more likely to weather the impact than those with standalone products or thinner portfolios of titles.

Sunday 10 October 2010

What i have been doing in my media studies lesson.

In Mrs brogans lessons, i have been creating movies on the theme of the bird albatross, we used the theme albatross because it has a important meaning behind it.The word albatross is sometimes used to mean an encumbrance, or a wearisome burden. Our group decided do to a traditional bulling movie, but to spice it up a little bit, the person being bullied was a male, but the bullies were female. And this does infact happen, it is just not really talked about or known of that much. but it never the less it does happen, and we wanted to highlight that is does indeed take place in school's.

Friday 17 September 2010

Three point lighting

The key light, as the name suggests, shines directly upon the subject and serves as its principal illuminator; more than anything else, the strength, colour and angle of the key determines the shot's overall lighting design.

The fill light also shines on the subject, but from a side angle relative to the key and is often placed at a lower position than the key (about at the level of the subject's face). It balances the key by illuminating shaded surfaces, and lessening or eliminating chiaroscuro effects, such as the shadow cast by a person's nose upon the rest of the face.

The back light (a.k.a. the rim, hair, or shoulder light) shines on the subject from behind, often (but not necessarily) to one side or the other. It gives the subject a rim of light, serving to separate the subject from the background and highlighting contours.

Monday 13 September 2010

New Character

(Intro space shuttle launches mixed with growing up)
Our character is an ordinary teenager, he deals with the everyday problems, acne, girl troubles and the occasional xbox malfunction. One day he finds a letter has been posted to him from NASA asking him to meet him, he goes and finds out his design concept he drew for a rocket ship when he was 7 has been produced and very successfull, he is told he is set to make millions of pounds. He loves his new life, he meets celebrities etc. In the penultament scene in the movie the character is asked to make another concept better then the first. He reveals a carefully dran model with scientifically accurate results, findings and equations, to which the scientists think is a terrible idea. He is made a laughing stock and lives out the rest of his life with his money in Vietnam, because he likes the cusine.

The character is socially awkward, he comes alive during the night talking to his virtual friends. Sleeps during school and is a general loser. His beliefs include: -Jedism, he is better then the rest of the worlds population and you should never have chocolate cereal for breakfast.

Luke 'Starkiller' Michaelson.

Character profile

My character: shooter Mcgavin
Shooter Mcgavin is a male confindent golfer. From the film you do not get the location of where he is from or where he lives currently. But you do learn a lot about his personality, some may say he is over confident,his nickname relfecting his personality perfectly. He is very aggresive with his golf and is determined to win using any methods possible. for example he hires a hitman to run over happy gilmore so he could win the golf tournament.

Thursday 9 September 2010

opening two minutes of a feauture film

Lester (American Beauty)
The lead character of the film, 'American Beauty' is Lester. The movie starts with the main character narrating as he would get up and ready for work. it also spoke of how he would die soon, this gets the audience interested in how and what would happen when he did.  From the opening sequence we can tell that his relationship with his wife and daughter has become very distant and un-passionate, you can tell the un-passionate relationship because he was jerking off in the shower and they never hug or kissed. You can see that the wife is in charge and runs the house, as she unlike her husband is very organized, neat and tidy, which you can tell by looking at the appearance of their house and garden. Lester say's that the highlight of his day was "jerking off in the shower" this suggesting his life is very dull and boring. also that him and his wife are rarely intimate.

Character: Jerry McGuire
In the first few minutes it show's Jerry as being a slick cut business man, who takes business and his career very seriously. He has a slick hair style with his hair gelled back with a slick cut suit on.  From his appearance he seems to be rather wealthy and well-known, he has 72 sporting clients in a huge multi-million maybe billion company. His confidence could be seen as arrogance but he has reason to be over confident when dealing with 72 sporting clients and he receives over 250 phone calls a day. However even though his lifestyle seems to be great, and his career is rocketing, he still seems to be lacking something in life and we witness him looking upset because one of his sporting clients would not sign a card because it was not a certain kind. This suggests Jerry is upset because it seems as so its all about money now and not the sport's.

Comparing both characters, they seem like complete opposites,Both of their lifestyles are very different from each others. Lester who is shy and un-confident and lacks something from life. where as Jerry has a lot of confidence and seems successful in his job but we are not to sure about his love life. However both seem to be unsatisfied from life, and appear to be unhappy.

The landlord of 'The Grapes'. From the opening ken is singing a jolly song, even when he is cleaning the bathroom. Ken is then seen refilling an expensive brandy with a cheaper version, this suggesting he is a cheap man. He seems a very jolly man and enjoys his profession. As a character ken seems to be a perfect British landlord.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Hello everyone

Well hello everyone :) this is just a welcome message to any one that ends up on my blog.

Just to let people know about me, i am currently attending sixth form at wymondham high, and this is part of my media studies project.

In my first lesson i learnt many things, this consisted of "mise en scene" this meaning what is put into a scene or frame. I also learnt the 5 elements of mise en scene.

1.settings and props
2.costumes, hair and makeup
3.facial expressions and body language
4.lighting and color
5.positioning if characters/ objects within the frame

also the fact that simple things ranging from facial expressions to settings and props can drastically change the viewers opinion of the movie. these simple thing's can make a movie a hit or a disaster.